Chestnut Shoes
Lights cuts through the shadowed riverside.
Covered in tired leaves, turning to mulch.
Dying flowers in the sunlight, once vibrant colours now overpowered with deep oranges and browns.
Chalk sleeps on the wizened bridge.
Awaiting rain, shine or snow.
Dancing, birds hop in naked trees.
Their calls filled the morning, disturbing the quiet.
Rushing water snakes below.
The river gleamed in the weak winter light.
Cool tones of green, blue and navy swirl underneath
Hiding in the depths.
Ducks bob lazily along, their coats sleek and filled with murky feathers.
Chipped paint flicks off the narrow beams of the bridge,
Onto her navy school skirt.
Velvet brown shoes kick the ground
Spilling pebbles into the river
Drip, bubble, sink.
Ripples in the lazy flow.
Her busted buckles reflected the shine.
The chestnut shoes are scuffed now.
Dark hair falls out behind her ears, hiding her moles.
Scrunched-up painted splatted sleeves.
Crushed daffodils and broken daisy chains follow her
Over the bridge and down the path.
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