wandering time...

Wandering time.

Flowering daisies dot in the olive grass.

Like snow, petals flutter along in the summer gusts.

The sunrise reflects in the trees, like light through stained glass windows.

Peaches, berries, and roses live in the sky.

Along with the eerie chill of the stars and moon vanishing.

Hidden, just out of sight.

Waking bees flick from flower to flower,

their gentle hums drift in and out of focus.




Later now, the sunshine dances up high.

Delicate hands pick daisies.

Protected from the sun under the antique oak tree

Auburn hair catches light, shimmering in the honey breeze.

Green stems plait into chains.

Delicate petals fold.

Tall grass crouches under the mild blue rug.

Cicadas hush the whispering leaves.




The meek stars flicker in the indigo sky.

Midnight creeps along the dark field.

Chill spiralling on weathered trees, relishing in the moon's breath.

Daisies are blinded by fireflies

fluttering by the windowsill, over closed eyelids.

Her mousey eyelashes twitch in the warm light.

Gentle inhales and exhales flow in time with the strict clock.

Wishing around the orchard, the wind ferries the petals in the serene night.

Ever watching owls hide on branches, their wide eyes glow in the night.



